Page 125 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 125

108                              TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

                  Fig. 1. Sample of a Vietnamese Student ID Card
                  C. Multil-Lingual Model Development                  Fig. 3. Model building workflow
                  Our  study  demonstrates  using  BERT  and     E. Mobile Application Implementation
               TensorFlow for OCR model training. Building on this   The  React  Native  framework  from  the  initial
               approach,  customized  BERT  models  will  be  trained   project will be used to develop cross-platform mobile
               for  each  language  using  transfer  learning  on  the   apps  on  iOS  and  Android.  The  interface  will  guide
               corresponding  ID  card  images.  Other  architectures   users  to  capture  ID  card  photos  and  display
               like  multi-headed  CNNs  will  also  be  explored  to   recognized text in their native language. Cloud APIs
               optimize accuracy and efficiency. The models will be   will provide enhanced services when connectivity is
               trained  to  leverage  GPUs  for  accelerated  deep   available.  Figure  4  below  shows  the  UI  of  the
               learning.  Figure  2  below  shows  the  flow  of  text   finalized app.
               classification with BERT within TensorFlow Lite.

                                                                       Fig.4. User Interface of the App
                                                                 F. Testing and Evaluation

                      Fig. 2. Text Classification with BERT
                             in TensorFlow Lite
                  D. On-Device Optimization
                  To deploy the models on mobile devices, they will
               be converted to TensorFlow Lite format and quantized
               as  detailed  in  our  study.  On-device  versus  cloud-
               based inference tradeoffs will be evaluated based on
               performance constraints. The TensorFlow Lite Micro
               runtime will enable low-latency execution on mobile
               hardware. Figure 3 below shows our proposed model
               building workflow.

                                                                      Fig. 5. 100% Accuracy for the card
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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