Page 120 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 120

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                         103

                                                              objects  during  production.  With  high  precision,  it
                                                              helps  minimize  errors  and  increase  production
                                                              efficiency. In addition, the HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor
                                                              is also used in the field of robotics, allowing robots to
                                                              move and interact with the surrounding environment
                                                              intelligently and safely. Sensors help detect sensitive
                                                              objects,  avoid  collisions  and  ensure  safety  during
                                                              robot operation.
                                                                 Table III. Technical specifications of HC-SR04

                                                                No.          Parameters           Value
                                                                 1   Power Supply                5V DC
                                                                 2   Quiescent Current            15mA
                                                                 3   Effectual Angle              <15°
                                                                 4   Ranging Distance          2cm – 400cm
                                                                 5   Resolution                   0.3cm
                                                                 6   Measuring Angle            30 degree
                Fig. 5. The working principle of the ultrasonic sensor   7   Trigger Input Pulse   10uS
                  The  time  counter  is  measured  in  microseconds   D.  Block Diagram
               (  ). Equation (1) will become:                  The system consists of two main devices: a sensor
                  S =  340.T im .10 − 6  / 2 170.T im  /10              (2)   device  and  a  warning  device.  The  sensor  device
                                                              comprises four main blocks: Sensor communication,
                  Where T is the time measured in microseconds.   central  processing,  communication,  and  power
                                                              supply.  The  warning  device  consists  of  four  main
                  To display the unit in centimeters, we multiply (2)
               by 100:                                        blocks: Warning, central processing, communication,
                                                              and power supply.
                  S cm  =  17.T im  /10 =  3  0.017.T              (3)
                                                                 The  central  processing  block  plays  a  role  in
                                                              reading  results  from  the  sensor,  performing
                                                              calculations,  and  providing  distance  measurement
                                                              results,  as  well  as  processing  signals  from  the
                                                              communication module.
                                                                 The  communication  block  with  the  sensor
                                                              includes circuits connecting to the ultrasonic sensor.
                                                                 The alarm block includes circuits connected to the
                                                              alarm loudspeaker.
                                                                 The  communication  block  takes  on  the  role  of
                                                              sending  and  receiving  communication  signals
                     Fig. 6. The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04    between sensor devices and warning devices.
                  The  HC-SR04  ultrasonic  sensor  uses  sonar  to
               determine distance to an object like bats or dolphins
               do.  It  offers  excellent  non-contact  range  detection
               with  high  accuracy  and  stable  readings  in  an
               easy-to-use  package.  From  2cm  to  400  cm  or  1”  to
               13  feet.  It  operation  is  not  affected  by  sunlight  or
               black  material  like  Sharp  rangefinders  are  (although
               acoustically soft materials like cloth can be difficult to
               detect). It comes complete with ultrasonic transmitter
               and receiver module [9].                            Fig. 7. Block diagram of the sensor device
                  HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor is widely used in many
               different fields. In the manufacturing and automation
               industry, this sensor is used to measure the distance
               between  components  and  check  the  position  of

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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