Page 121 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 121

104                              TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

                                                                  Research results indicate that, when dealing with
                                                              objects  measuring  100x100mm  at  a  distance  of
                                                              2 meters, the sensor successfully detected objects in
                                                              47 out of 50 measurements, accounting for 94% of the
                                                              measurement  time.  Only  6%  of  the  time,  the  sensor
                                                              failed  to  detect  an  object  and  solely  measured  the
                                                              distance  to  the  rear  wall.  For  objects  larger  than
                                                              200x200mm,  the  sensor  consistently  detected  their
                                                              presence.  These  findings  demonstrate  the  sensor's
                   Fig. 8. Block diagram of the warning device   capability to detect pedestrians and vehicles within its
                  IV.  IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULT              scanning range in traffic scenarios.
                                                                 B.  Testing  the  detection  of  various  types  of
                                                              vehicles participating in traffic

                  Fig. 9. Design of the sensor device (on the left)
                      and the warning device (on the right)
                  A.  Object detection test

                                                                     Fig. 11. Traffic vehicle detection test
                                                                 An experiment was conducted on a road in Hanoi.
                                                              The road is 7 meters wide and we conducted a test to
                                                              see if we could detect traffic on a lane with a width
                                                              equivalent to 3.5 meters. The sensor was installed at a
                                                              height of 3 meters above the ground and the distance
                                                              from the sensor to the middle of the lane was about
                       Fig. 10. Testing the object detection    4.4  meters.  This  means  there  is  a  blind  spot  about
                            capability of the sensor          40cm  below  the  road  surface,  the  height  of  the
                  A fairly simple test is performed to determine the   motorbike is about 1 meter. Therefore, we configured
               detection capabilities of the sensor. We mounted the   the  sensor  device  to  send  a  warning  signal  when  it
               sensor on a stand and placed several objects in front   detects  a  distance  difference  greater  than  30cm.
               of it at different locations, ultimately a wall. Our goal   Warning  devices  are  placed  5  meters  away  to
               is  to  evaluate  the  sensor's  ability  to  detect  objects   facilitate monitoring. For two vehicles moving close
               within  the  scanning  range.  An  Arduino  sketch   together,  we  will  count  them  as  one  and  the  device
               consists  of  50  consecutive  readings  (taking  place   will only send one warning signal.
               about 5 seconds) with intervals of 1 meter, 2 meters,
               3 meters and 4 meters.                              Table V. Statistics of the number of vehicles
                                                                           participating in traffic
                      Table IV. The ability to detect objects
                             at different positions            Vehicles participating   Number   Number   Detection
                             Size(mm)                              in traffic   detections   vehicles   rate
                               100x100   200x200   400x400
                Distance                                       Walkers            14       20       70
                    1 meter    50 (100%)   50 (100%)   50 (100%)   Motorbikes     73       78       94
                   2 meters    47 (94%)   50 (100%)   50 (100%)   Cars            35       35       100
                   3 meters       0     50 (100%)   50 (100%)
                   4 meters       0     50 (100%)   50 (100%)
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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