Page 119 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 119

102                              TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

                  B. LoRa E32-433T20D

                          Fig. 3. LoRa E32-433T20D
                   The  E32-433T20D  module  utilizes  Semtech's    Fig. 4. LoRa transmission scenarios [7]
               SX1278 chip, enabling transparent communication in   • Transparent   transmission:   This   can   be
               the  410-441MHz  frequency  band  through  LoRa   considered  the  default  mode,  where  the  device  can
               spread  spectrum  technology.  LoRa  spread  spectrum   engage  in  two-way  communication  with  all  devices
               technology  offers  numerous  advantages,  including   sharing the same address and channel configuration.
               extended  communication  range,  robust  resistance  to
               interference,  and  high-security  levels.  Additionally,   • Fixed  transmission:  This  communication  can
               the  module  incorporates  data  encryption  and   specify  addresses  and  channels  for  two-way
               compression  features.  While  the  module  transmits   communication.
               data  wirelessly,  the  data  compression  function   • Fixed  transmission  broadcast:  Information  can
               minimizes  transmission  time,  lowers  the  chances  of   only  be  transmitted  to  other  devices  with  the  same
               interference,  and  enhances  both  reliability  and   address and channel.
               transmission efficiency.                          • Fixed transmission monitoring: Can only receive
                   The  E32-433T20D  integrates  the  SPI  interface   information from other devices with the same address
               conversion  of  the  SX1278  to  UART,  simplifying   and channel.
               communication and usage. You can easily configure   C.  Distance sensor
               the  address,  speed,  and  transmission  power  by   Ultrasonic  distance  measuring  sensors  are
               connecting  it  to  the  company's  software.  E32-  designed  to  measure  distances  remotely.  The  device
               433T20D  strictly  adheres  to  FCC,  CE,  and  CCC   comprises a transmitter and a transceiver capable of
               regulations, meeting various RF-related certifications   emitting  and  receiving  ultrasonic  waves.  The
               and export requirements [6]
                                                              transmitter emits sound frequencies above 18kHz into
                     Table II. Technical specifications of lora    the  air  at  a  velocity  of  344m/s  (at  20°C),  and  the
                               E32-433T20D                    receiver captures the sound waves reflected from the
                 No.        Parameters           Value        object.  The  distance  to  the  object  is  calculated  by
                                                              measuring the time it takes for the ultrasonic wave to
                 1   Long distance anti-interference   Yes
                                                              travel from the transmitter to the object and back [8].
                 2   Maximum transmission distance   3000m
                                                                 To  calculate  the  distance  from  the  ultrasonic
                 3   Maximum transmit power     100mW
                                                              sensor  to  an  object,  we  rely  on  the  relationship
                 4   ISM band                   433MHz
                                                              between velocity and time:
                 5   Data transmission rate   0,3k~19,2kbps
                                                                    S =  vt ;t = T  / 2  S =  vT  / 2                         (1)
                 6   Power supply               2,3-5,5V
                 7   Operating temperature     -40~+85°C         In  which,  v  is  the  speed  of  sound  in  the  air  (≈
                                                              340m/s),  t is  the  time  for  sound  to  travel  to  the

                                                              object,  and  T is  the  time  for  sound  to  travel  to  the
                                                              object and back to the sensor.

               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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