Page 122 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 122

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                         105

                  The test was conducted for a duration of 2 hours.   The advantages of LoRa technology include wide
               During the testing, the device managed to detect 70%   signal  reception,  energy  efficiency,  low  cost,  the
               of  pedestrians.  This  lower  detection  rate  can  be   ability  to  differentiate  object  movements,  and  good
               attributed to the fact that pedestrians often walk very   performance  in  different  light  conditions,  making  it
               close to the sidewalk, which falls outside the sensor's   easy to deploy. However, LoRa technology also has
               scanning  range.  Similarly,  with  motorbikes,  some   limitations  in  terms  of  observation  range,  system
               vehicles come close to adjacent lanes, resulting in the   scalability, and troubleshooting mechanisms.
               motorbikes being either outside the sensor's scanning   In  the  future,  the  research  team  will  continue  to
               range  or  within  a  low-scanning  area  that  the  device   expand  the  range  by  adding  devices,  improve
               cannot  effectively detect.  However,  we  can  enhance   accuracy through algorithms, and integrate additional
               detection  by  adjusting  the  device's  installation   sensors.  They  will  also  develop  monitoring  and
               position.  However,  the  sensors  successfully  detected   troubleshooting  mechanisms  to  further  develop  and
               100% of cars due to their larger size.         apply  LoRa  technology  in  traffic  monitoring  and
                  C.  Test  detecting  vehicles  moving  at  different   urban management.
                                                                 [1]  Gubbi, J.; Buyya, R.; Marusic, S.; Palaniswamia, M.
                                                                    Internet  of  Things  (IoT):  A  vision,  architectural
                                                                    elements,  and  future  directions.  Future  Gener.
                                                                    Comput. Syst. 2013, 29, 1645–1660.
                                                                 [2]  Evans,  D.  The  Internet  of  Things:  How  the  Next
                                                                    Evolution  of  the  Internet  is  Changing  Everything;
                                                                    Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group: San Jose,
                                                                    CA, USA, 2011.
                                                                 [3]  LoRa Alliance. White Paper: A Technical Overview
                                                                    of  Lora  and  Lorawan.  The  LoRa  Alliance:  San
                                                                    Ramon, CA, USA, 2015.
                        Fig. 12. The testing location for        [4]  Bor, Martin, John Edward Vidler, and Utz Roedig.
                           detecting traffic vehicles.              "LoRa for the Internet of Things". (2016): 361-366.
                  We conducted tests to assess the capability of the   [5]  Arduino  UNO  R3  manual.
               device  in  detecting  motorcycles  and  cars  moving  at   download/uno-r3-manual.pdf.
               different  speeds.  Specifically,  we  conducted  tests  at   [6]  E32-433T20D  User  Manual.
               speeds of 20km/h, 40km/h, and 60km/h for motorcycles,   pdf-down.aspx?id=1452.
               and  80km/h  for  cars.  At  each  of  these  speeds,  we   [7]  Internet:
               conducted  five  test  runs.  Surprisingly,  the  device   to-8Km-Wireless-Communication-With-Low-Co/.
               successfully detected both motorcycles and cars in all   [8]  Kelemen, Michal, et al. "Distance measurement via
               test  runs.  This  demonstrates  that  the  device  has  the   using of ultrasonic sensor". Journal of Automation
               ability to detect moving vehicles at different speeds.   and Control. 3.3 (2015): 71-74.

                  V. CONCLUSION                                  [9]  HC-SR04 User's_Manual.
                  In this article, we have  designed and deployed  a
               traffic  alert  system  using  LoRa  technology  in  areas
               with  limited  line  of  sight.  The  system  consists  of
               2  infrared  cameras,  3  traffic  sensors,  and  1  LoRa
               gateway.  The  system  is  capable  of  detecting  and
               alerting  vehicles  within  a  narrow  range.  Through
               testing,  the  system  operates  stably  with  a  detection
               accuracy of 95% and an average delay time of only
               0.5  seconds.  The  system  maintains  effectiveness
               under  varying  light  conditions.  The  application  of
               LoRa  technology  in  traffic  alert  systems  can
               contribute to reducing accidents and increasing safety
               for road users. One notable feature of this system is
               its  ability  to  operate  reliably  under  different  light
               conditions.  This  is  important  to  ensure  the  alert
               system functions effectively in all situations.

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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