Page 117 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 117

100                              TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               lifespan. IoT focuses on achieving more functionality   mirrors  have  limitations,  particularly  in  adverse
               with  fewer  resources,  which  sets  it  apart  from   weather conditions like fog, rain, or when obstructed
               traditional  internet-connected  devices.  This  drive  to   by vegetation. These factors can impact the reflected
               "do more with less" creates constraints that can limit   image  in  the  mirror,  thereby  reducing  its
               the  use  of  mobile  networks  and  traditional   effectiveness.
               technologies like Wi-Fi. These technologies may not
               meet the power requirements and capabilities of IoT   Sound  warnings  can  quickly  capture  the  driver's
               devices [1].                                   attention,  helping  them  immediately  detect  the
                  To  overcome  these  limitations,  specialized  IoT   presence of other vehicles. Sound is less affected by
               networks and protocols have been developed, such as   weather  or  lighting  conditions.  Therefore,  sound-
               Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), as well   based warnings are an effective alert method in places
               as  protocols  like  Zigbee  and  Z-Wave.  These   with limited visibility. However, most forms of sound
               technologies  are  specifically  designed  to  offer   warnings,  such  as  car  horns  or  current  warning
               efficient and low-power connectivity for IoT devices.   alarms,  rely  on  the  driver's  initiative.  When  drivers
               Consequently,  they  enable  these  devices  to  operate   are careless or distracted, they are very likely to forget
               effectively  with  limited  resources,  while  also   sound warnings for other vehicles.
               supporting large-scale device deployments[2].     This  article  will  present  the  automatic  sound
                  LoRa is an LPWAN protocol aimed at deploying   warning  system  to  vehicles  participating  in  traffic.
               power-constrained end devices (e.g., battery-powered   The  system  will  be  deployed  in  areas  with  limited
               devices),  where  the  end  devices  do  not  need  to   visibility.  The  system  will  include  warning  devices
               transmit more than a few bytes at a time and the data   and  distance  sensors,  which  will  communicate  with
               can be initiated by the end device (as when the end   each other via LoRa communication technology.
               device is a sensor) or by an external entity that wants
               to communicate with the end device (as when the end   Warning devices will be deployed at intersections
               device  is  an  active  mechanism).  LoRa's  long   in  hidden  areas  and  distance  sensors  placed  at
               transmission and low power consumption make it an   different  locations,  helping  to  detect  approaching
               interesting candidate for smart sensing technology in   vehicles.  When  a  vehicle  approaches,  the  sensor
               residential  infrastructure  (such  as  health  monitoring,   device  will  send  a  signal  to  the  warning  device  via
               smart  metering,  environmental  monitoring ,  etc.),  as   LoRa  communication.  After  receiving  a  signal  from
               well as in industrial applications [3].        the  sensor  device,  the  warning  device  will  use  the
                  Areas with limited visibility, such as intersections,   sound warning method to other vehicles participating
               mountain  passes,  and  hills,  are  prone  to  traffic   in traffic.
               accidents. In these areas, drivers often face challenges
               in  identifying  vehicles  coming  from  different
               directions,  especially  during  foggy,  rainy,  or  dark
               weather  conditions.  Mountainous  regions,  with  their
               difficult terrain featuring numerous curves and steep
               slopes, significantly increase the risk of accidents due
               to  potential  loss  of  control.  Factors  like  poor  road
               conditions,  insufficient  lighting,  and  unclear  traffic
               signs further contribute to the elevated accident rate in
               these  areas.  Additionally,  high-altitude  mountain
               passes  and  hills  are  often  enveloped  in  fog,  which
               severely  restricts  visibility  and  leaves  drivers  with
               insufficient  time  to  react  to  unexpected  situations.
               This  heightens  the  risk  of  collisions,  necessitating
               skilled  driving  and  heightened  concentration  from
                                                                    Fig. 1. System implementation example
                  Areas  with  limited  visibility  often  have  fewer   II.  LONG RANGE (LORA)
               vehicles, which can lead drivers to become negligent
               and  subjective  towards  signage  systems.  Moreover,   A. Overview of LoRa in traffic
               not everyone comprehends the meaning of each sign   With the ability to transmit signals up to several
               symbol  on  the  road  clearly.  Convex  mirrors  prove   kilometers  in  ideal  environmental  conditions,  LoRa
               highly  effective  in  reducing  the  risk  of  traffic   enables  the  deployment  of  an  economical  and  high-
               accidents  at  intersections  or  areas  with  limited   performance  IoT  network  infrastructure.  Transmission
               visibility. They provide drivers with a wider viewing   power and data rate can be adjusted to simultaneously
               angle, thereby enhancing visibility in situations where   meet special requirements from IoT devices [4].
               direct  visibility  is  compromised.  However,  convex
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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