Page 118 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 118

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                         101

                  LoRa can operate in different environments, such   the  sensor  will  activate  the  LoRa  communication
               as  crowded  cities,  industrial  parks  or  rural  areas,   system  to  promptly  send  a  signal  to  the  warning
               allowing  for  quick  and  flexible  deployment  that  is   device.
               applicable to many areas of daily life. An important   After  receiving  a  signal  from  the  sensor  device,
               benefit  of  LoRa  technology  is  its  ability  to  save   the  warning  device  will  emit  a  warning  sound.  The
               energy. IoT devices using LoRa can operate for long   goal is to attract attention and alert other vehicles to
               periods  of  time  on  a  single  battery,  reducing  the   the  presence  of  the  object.  This  helps  drivers  react
               frequency and power required to change the battery.   promptly to unexpected situations, reducing accidents
               This improves efficiency and convenience in applying   in areas with limited visibility.
               IoT to various applications.
                                                                 A. Arduino UNO R3
                  B. The role of LoRa in the field of transportation
                  LoRa technology can provide smart and efficient
               solutions  in  the  transportation  sector,  from  traffic
               monitoring  and  management,  smart  parking  systems
               to smart traffic and smart cities:
                  -  Traffic  monitoring  and  management:  LoRa
               technology allows the installation of sensors and IoT
               (Internet  of  Things)  devices  on  vehicles,  signs,  or
               traffic  infrastructure.  This  helps  collect  information
               about traffic flow, road conditions, vehicle speed, and
               other  parameters.  This  information  can  be  used  to   Fig. 2. Arduino UNO R3
               monitor and manage traffic more effectively, reduce
               congestion, and increase traffic safety.          Arduino  UNO  is  a  popular  and  widely  used
                                                              microcontroller board in the field of programming. It
                  - Smart parking systems: LoRa technology can be   was first introduced in 2005 and has since undergone
               used to deploy smart parking systems. LoRa sensors   various  iterations  and  versions,  including  Arduino
               can  be  installed  on  parking  locations  to  monitor   Serial, Arduino USB, Arduino Extreme, Arduino NG
               availability and assist users in finding vacant parking   (Nuova  Generazione),  Arduino  Diecimila,  Arduino
               spaces  through  mobile  applications.  This  helps   Duemilanove,  and  the  Arduino  UNO.  The  Arduino
               minimize  the  time  spent  searching  for  a  parking   Uno R3, currently in its third generation, stands out as
               space, reduce traffic flow, and increase the efficiency   one  of  the  most  popular  versions  due  to  its
               of parking space usage.                        affordability  and  flexibility.  With  its  open-source
                  -  Smart  transportation  and  smart  cities:  LoRa   hardware design, Arduino Uno R3 offers a range of
               technology  can  be  integrated  with  other  smart   options suitable for a wide variety of audiences and
               transportation  systems,  such  as  traffic  signal  control   projects [5].
               systems or smart urban management systems. The use   Table I. Technical specifications of arduino UNO R3
               of  LoRa  in  these  applications  enables  fast,  energy-  No.   Parameters   Value
               efficient,  and  scalable  information  transmission.
               These applications help optimize traffic flow, enhance   1   Microcontroller   ATmega328P-AU
               safety, and conserve energy in modern cities.    2   Operating Voltage          5V
                                                                    Input Voltage
                  LoRa  technology  plays  a  crucial  role  in  our  low   3   (recommended)    7-12V
               visibility  area  traffic  warning  system  by  efficiently
               collecting and transmitting data from sensors to traffic   4   Input Voltage (limits)   6-20V
               warning devices.                                 5   Digital I/O Pins     14 (of which 6 provide
                                                                                            PWM output)
                  III.  SYSTEM DESIGN                           6   Analog Input Pins           6
                  In this study, we deploy a system using two main   7   DC Current per I/O Pin   40mA
               devices:  a  distance  measuring  device  and  a  warning   8   DC Current for 3.3V Pin   50mA
               device. To ensure the effectiveness of the system, we
               used the high-precision HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor as   9   Flash Memory         32KB
               the distance sensor.                             10   SRAM                      2KB
                  The  HC-SR04  sensor  plays  a  crucial  role  in   11   EEPROM              1KB
               distinguishing between stationary and moving objects   12   Clock Speed        16MHz
               by continuously monitoring changes in the distance of
               objects over time. When a moving object is detected,

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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