Page 46 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 46

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                          29

               develop  the  coastal  tourism  sector.  Planning  here  is   C. The characteristics of the urban landscape in
               focused  on  preserving  and  enhancing  natural   lightweight urban structural design
               landscapes,  sustainable  management  of  tourism   In this context, 'hard' pertains to the construction
               activities,  and  creating  unique  cultural  and   of  infrastructure  systems,  while  'soft'  encompasses
               architectural highlights to attract tourists [8].
                                                              open spaces and greenery. Furthermore, for a city to
                  - Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa: Nha Trang serves as an   develop sustainably, open spaces, also referred to as
               exemplary case of transforming a coastal urban area   porous  spaces,  are  encouraged  to  be  seamlessly
               into  a  leading  tourist  destination.  The  planning  here   integrated  with  the  key  elements  that  constitute  the
               has  focused  on  developing  essential  infrastructure,   porous  framework  of  the  urban  structure  in  a
               such  as  seaports  and  airports,  to  facilitate  the   harmonious and flexible manner. These porous spaces
               movement  of  tourists.  Simultaneously,  there  is  an   create interaction and reduce conflicts among various
               emphasis  on  the  protection  and  maintenance  of  the   parts  within  the  urban  space,  such  as  green  areas,
               marine environment [9].                        parks, water bodies, and recreational zones in public
                  Vung  Tau  -  Ba  Ria  -  Vung  Tau:  Vung  Tau  has   spaces.
               strategically  planned  the  development  of  coastal   The  soft  and  hard  spaces  within  urban  areas  are
               resort  areas,  integrating  mountainous  and  seaside   understood  as  the  integration  of  streets  and  green
               landscapes.  The  diversity  of  entertainment,  sports,   areas  in  the  inner  city  border  regions.  The  flexible
               and  recreational  activities  has  created  an  appealing   combination  of  these  elements  in  each  area  ensures
               coastal urban space [10].
                                                              harmony and sustainable development.
                  b) In the world:
                                                                 When considering coastal space in the context of
                  -  Barcelona,  Spain:  Barcelona  has  created  a   the  porous  city  urban  structure  model,  coastal  space
               seaside   space   that   combines   cultural   and   planning focuses on achieving harmony and balance
               entertainment  activities.  The  Redevelopment  Project   between  natural  and  man-made  elements,  ensuring
               of  Barceloneta  Beach  has  turned  this  area  into  an   sustainable  development  and  climate  change
               attractive  destination  for  both  local  residents  and   adaptation   to   protect   the   environment...
               tourists [11].                                 Simultaneously  maximizing  the  coastal  tourism
                  -  Vancouver,  Canada:  Vancouver  has  utilized  its   potential  while  ensuring  positive  interactions  among
               coastal  space  to  develop  parks,  promenades,  and   residents,  tourists,  and  the  marine  environment,
               entertainment   areas.   Proper   management   of   resulting in a multidimensional porous urban function
               infrastructure  and  environmental  preservation  has   [15].
               created  an  enjoyable  living  and  recreational  space
                  - Singapore: Singapore has developed a long and
               clean   coastal   area   through   effective   water
               management   and   waste   treatment.   Coastal
               entertainment  areas  and  recreational  facilities  have
               played  a  significant  role  in  attracting  both  residents
               and tourists [13].
                  - Sydney, Australia: Sydney has placed a focus on
               preserving  the  coastal  landscape  and  maintaining   Figure 2. Structure of  Figure 3. Porous Structure -
               environmental  friendliness.  The  expected  planning                 Non-hierarchical level
               ensures a balance between infrastructure development   the hierarchical level
               and the protection of important coastal areas [14].
                                                                 III.  RESULTS
                                                                 A.  The  viewpoint  on  coastal  spatial  planning
                                                              following a porous urban structure
                                                                 -   Smart   functional   zoning:   residential,
                                                              commercial,   and   tourist   service   areas   are
                                                              harmoniously  integrated  with  the  natural  landscape.
                                                              This leads to the optimization of land use and creates
                                                              a  diverse  and  attractive  living  environment  for
                                                              multifunctional  urban  areas,  encompassing  living,
                 Figure 1. Vo Nguyen Giap - Danang coastal route   working, leisure, and commercial services.

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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