Page 48 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 48

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                          31

               islands,  connecting  different  areas.  Meanwhile,   ecosystem,  promoting  the  reproduction  of  crucial
               central  parks  and  district-level  parks  are  evenly   species in maintaining ecological balance.
               distributed  throughout  the  urban  areas  of  Da  Nang..   - Minimizing rainwater drainage: helps reduce the
               Currently, there are five seaside parks located along   speed  at  which  rainwater  drains  off  the  ground
               the coast, namely Ha Khe, Nguyen Tat Thanh, Thuan   surface,  allocating  time  for  the  process  of  water
               Phuoc, Whale Park, and EastSea Park. In this context,   infiltration  into  the  soil.  This  can  reduce  the risk  of
               these  parks  are  designed  for  decorative  purposes  at   soil erosion and help protect the drainage system from
               key locations with a sea view to serve tourism spots,   overload.
               while the remaining spaces are arranged with rows of
               dunes  or  willow  trees  along  the  coastline  from
               Cocobay Danang to Hon Son Cha. Furthermore, these
               park  designs  and  coastal  greenery  systems  do  not
               meet the criteria of a resilient coastal urban area like
               Da Nang. Because the route from Cocobay Da Nang
               to  East  Sea  Park  and  from  Ha  Khe  Park  to  Nam  O
               Beach is situated at the coastal windward entrance on
               the  mainland,  these  areas  have  a  high  porosity  to
               damage,  making  them  the  most  vulnerable  regions
               along the coastal route.
                  3)  Propose  landscaping  solutions  for  coastal
               greenery in the city of Da Nang, following the criteria
               of the sustainable urban mode                          Figure 6. Absorption level of green
                  The  arrangement  of  vegetative  mats  in  urban   infrastructure in coastal urban areas
               planning can positively contribute to the urban area's   Therefore, the selection of green space distribution
               porosity  and  water  retention  capability.  This  helps   methods  for  urban  areas  needs  to  take  into
               enhance the living environment, protect the drainage   consideration  the  characteristics  of  coastal  cities.
               system,  and  create  a  diverse  ecosystem.  The  water   There  are  two  common  approaches  to  green  space
               permeability capability of urban areas is an essential   allocation  along  the  coastal  roads  in  the  city  of  Da
               aspect in the construction and management of green   Nang, which include distributing greenery in a Patchy
               space systems. However, it is necessary to carefully   form and distributing greenery in a Corridor form. In
               consider  and  integrate  various  factors  to  ensure  the   this context, the distribution of vegetation mats in both
               effectiveness and safety of the entire urban planning   patch  and  linear  forms  within  urban  areas  needs  to
               system.                                        take  into  consideration  various  factors  such  as  size,
                                                              location,  integration  with  infrastructure  systems,  and
                  - Surface water permeability: The arrangement of   the  establishment  of  connections  between  green
               vegetation  mats  in  urban  spaces  can  create  surface   spaces.  The  ultimate  goal  is  to  consider  creating  a
               water- permeable areas, helping to reduce the risk of   harmonious green space system that is environmentally
               flooding during heavy rainfall. Vegetative mats have   and community-friendly.
               the ability to absorb rainwater and prevent its runoff,
               helping to reduce the volume of wastewater flowing   a) Patch form
               through  sewer  systems  and  mitigate  flooding   -  The  size  and  shape  of  vegetation  patches:  The
               conditions.                                    size  and  shape  of  vegetation  patches  influence  their
                                                              ability to absorb rainfall and create green open spaces.
                  -  Improving  water  quality:  it  can  eliminate
               harmful  substances  in  rainwater  such  as  chemicals   A larger patch can provide better water permeability,
               from vehicles, soil, and various other pollutants. This   but it also needs to be considered so as not to obstruct
               helps improve the water quality in rivers and drainage   the drainage system.
               systems, contributing to environmental protection.   -  The  placement  of  vegetation  carpet  areas:  The
                  -  Mitigating  Urban  Heat  Effects:  Reducing  the   positioning  of  vegetation  carpet  areas  should  be
               Urban  Heat  Effects  by  retaining  heat  and  providing   carefully considered to establish a connection between
               shade. This helps decrease the surface temperature of   green  spaces  and  open  areas.  They  also  need  to  be
               the  city  and  enhances  the  living  environment  for  its   strategically located to facilitate rainwater absorption,
               residents...                                   reduce  urban  heat,  and  create  living  spaces  for
                  - Ecosystem support: creating habitats for various
               plant and animal species. This can generate a diverse   -  Integration  with  infrastructure:  Integrating  the
                                                              vegetative  mats  area  with  sewer  systems,  water

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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