Page 49 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 49

32                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               drainage  systems,  and  transportation  systems  should   soil  permeability.  Grass  mats  should  be  densely
               be  considered  to  avoid  hindrances  and  ensure   distributed to effectively retain  rainwater and reduce
               efficiency.                                    the rate of rainwater drainage. This is because grass
                                                              mats  possess  excellent  water  absorption  properties
                  b) Corridor form
                                                              and the ability to create space for water to infiltrate
                  -  Integrated  with  the  vertical  green  system:  The   the soil.
               corridor of vegetation mats is commonly employed to   - The thickness of the soil layer: it can hold more
               establish  vertical  green  systems  such  as  tree-lined   water,  creating  space  for  water  infiltration  and
               boulevards, pedestrian pathways, and green corridors.   reducing the risk of flooding. This is also related to
               Considering the integration of vegetative mats into the   the care and maintenance of the soil layer to ensure its
               transportation  system  and  green  spaces  can  enhance   permeability. oil Particle Structure, Sandy Soil: Beach
               not  only  water  permeability  but  also  create  an   sand  can  create  porous  structures  within  the  soil,
               environmentally-friendly   environment   for   the   enhancing  its  permeability  and  creating  voids  for
               residents.                                     water.
                  - Integrated with  a drainage system: The form of   -  Water  retention  layer  and  irrigation  system:
               corridors can be arranged to establish natural drainage   placed beneath the vegetation carpet layer, this helps
               systems,  aiding  in  the  regulation  of  rainwater  and   capture  rainwater  and  provides  conditions  for  plants
               preventing flooding. The plant in patch form designs   to absorb water gradually. In there, an appropriately
               can  be  combined  with  the  plant  in  Corridor  form  to   designed  irrigation  system  can  supply  the  necessary
               create a comprehensive water permeation system.   amount of water to plants without overburdening the
                  -  Creating  connections  between  green  spaces:   soil,  thereby  facilitating  water  absorption  and
               Vegetation corridors can help establish links between   enhancing the vitality of the vegetation carpet.
               various  green  spaces  and  green  areas  within  urban   -  The  mechanics  of  soil  structure  and  vegetation
               environments,  forming  an  interconnected  green   cover  also  influence  the  absorption  capacity.  The
               network system that supports water permeability and   creation  of  voids  within  the  soil  and  the  structure
               ecological functions [16].                     forming  water-holding  layers  can  enhance  the
                                                              absorption  capacity.  The  choice  of  vegetation  mat
                  Based on the botanical characteristics of greenery   layout, whether in a patch or corridor form, can also
               in construction, such as the root structure's impact on   impact the absorption capacity of the vegetation mats.
               the base ground, plant arrangement, the shading radius
               of  each  species,  leaf  morphology,  leaf  color,  tree
               shape,  as  well  as  the  season  of  leaf  shedding.  It  is
               possible to propose a fragmentation method for green
               spaces  and  greenery  in  the  form  of  patches  for  the
               proposed parks, as shown in the map (Figure 7), and in
               the form of corridors for the coastal roads in Da Nang
               (Figure 8).                                       Figure 9. Absorbency Enhancement Infrastructure
                                                                 IV. CONCLUSION
                                                                 In  urban  planning,  the  design  of  green  landscape
                                                              spaces to enhance rainwater infiltration capacity in the
                                                              coastal  areas  of  Da  Nang  City  is  an  important  and
                                                              valuable approach to ensuring urban sustainability and
                                                              protecting  the  marine  environment.  The  city  of  Da
                 Figure 7. Green in   Figure 8. Green in      Nang,  situated  along  the  beautiful  coastline,  is
                    Patch form          Corridor form         currently  confronting numerous  challenges  stemming
                  Vegetation  mats  within  porous  urban  structures   from  urbanization  and  extreme  weather  conditions,
               significantly  contribute  to  enhancing  the  porosity  of   including  annual  natural  disasters.  Therefore,  the
               that urban space due to the water-absorbing capacity   design  of  green  landscape  spaces  along  the  coastal
               of  the  vegetation  mats.  There  are  several  structural   areas  can  yield  multiple  benefits:  (1).  Reducing  the
               and material factors aimed at augmenting the water-  risk of flooding and flash floods: it helps slow down
               absorption capabilities of these vegetation mats:   water  runoff  and  prevents  rainwater  from  infiltrating
                  - Types of grass and ground cover: Choose grass   urban areas. This helps reduce the risk of flooding and
               varieties with the ability to develop strong, deep, and   landslides,  safeguarding  residents  and  infrastructure
               extensive  roots,  which  can  create  a  dense  root   (2).  Improving  water  quality:  creating  conditions  for
               structure and a rich root network, thereby enhancing   rainwater to be filtered through vegetation, removing

               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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