Page 45 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 45

28                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               coastal  area  is  replete  with  impressive  features,   a) Urban Planning and Harmony in Architecture:
               boasting  long  stretches  of  pristine  white  sandy   The coastal urban space in Da Nang  is  designed
               beaches  and  crystal-clear  waters.  The  natural   and  planned  in  compatibility  with  the  natural
               landscape  here  forms  a  breathtaking  and  enticing   environment,   creating   a   seamless   blend  of
               image that captivates both domestic and international   architecture  and  landscape.  The  integration  of
               tourists  worldwide;  (2)  Landscape  Diversity:  The   residential, recreational, and leisure areas contributes
               coastal area of Da Nang boasts not only beaches but   to a diverse and engaging living environment for both
               also  mountainous  regions,  lush  green  forests,  and   residents and tourists.
               coastal  strips,  providing  favorable  conditions  for   b) Environmental Protection and Climate Change:
               recreational  activities  and  sports  such  as  surfing,
               beach  walking,  sea  exploration,  and  underwater   Da  Nang  demonstrates  a  strong  commitment  to
               sports.  In  2022,  Da  Nang  City  successfully  hosted   environmental  protection  and  addressing  climate
               international  sports  events  along  the  coastal  roads   change.  The  preservation  of  beaches,  river  systems,
               such as the IRONMAN 70.3 Vietnam, SPRINT, and   and  water-permeable  areas  plays  a  crucial  role  in
               IRONKIDS  competitions  [2];  (3)  Infrastructure  and   mitigating the impacts of rising sea levels and climate
               Coastal  Tourism  Services:  Da  Nang  has  heavily   change, both in the present and the future. The coastal
               invested in infrastructure and coastal tourism services,   urban  space  of  Da  Nang  showcases  its  capacity  to
               with numerous resorts, hotels, restaurants, and high-  adapt flexibly to changing factors, particularly in the
               end  entertainment  facilities.  This  creates  favorable   context  of  climate  change.  Urban  development
               conditions  for  tourists  to  enjoy  an  exciting  vacation   planning focuses on creating a sustainable living and
                                                              working  environment,  ensuring  a  balance  between
               experience;  (4)  Cultural  Interference  and  Tourism:   economic   development   and   environmental
               The  coastal  area  of  Da  Nang  is  also  a  place  where   conservation.
               local  culture  and  international  tourism  converge.
               Visitors  have  the  opportunity  to  experience  the   c) Infrastructure and Services:
               culture,  cuisine,  and  traditions  of  Da  Nang  through   The  infrastructure  and  services  in  the  coastal
               events and activities in this area [3].        urban  areas  of  Da  Nang  have  seen  significant
                  Despite  its  significant  development  potential,  Da   investment and development, catering to the needs of
               Nang  City  faces  negative  impacts  from  extreme   both  residents  and  tourists.  Resorts,  hotels,
               climate change phenomena as well as annual natural   restaurants,  and  entertainment  facilities  have  been
               disasters,  particularly  flooding.  These  extreme   constructed with high quality, ensuring an enjoyable
               phenomena  have  had  a  strongly  negative  impact  on   and modern experience. The coastal urban spaces of
               the lives of residents and have affected the quality of   Da Nang also foster positive interactions between the
                                                              local  community  and  tourists.  Cultural  activities,
               tourism  services  in  Da  Nang  City.  Furthermore,   events,  and  local  experiences  promote  cultural
               urbanization  has  also  led  to  an  increase  in  waste   interference and create a diverse environment [5, 6].
               generation  and  excessive  resource  consumption,
               posing  challenges  to  maintaining  a  sustainable   Although the coastal urban space in Da Nang has
               environment.  In  this  regard,  Da  Nang  is  not  an   been planned, constructed, and developed investment
               exception, as evidenced by the catastrophic historical   with  significant  achievements  there  still  exist  major
               floods  in  2022,  a phenomenon  unprecedented  in  the   challenges related to the fragility of a cultural tourism
               past 40 years [4].                             city, the phenomenon of globalization, the severity of
                                                              extreme climate change, and natural disasters, as well
                  Therefore, the planning of "Maritime Space within   as  the  advancement  of  modern  information
               the Dense Urban Structure of Da Nang Tourist City in   technology.
               the  New  Post-COVID-19  Situation,  Vision  2045"  is   B.  Experience  in  Coastal  Space  Planning  of
               considered  a  valuable  solution  for  a  highly  dense   Domestic and International Urban Areas
               urban area like Da Nang City.
                                                                 a) Domestically
                  II.  SCIENTIFIC BASIS
                                                                 -  Ha  Long,  Quang  Ninh,  Vietnam:  Ha  Long has
                  A. General Assessment of Coastal Urban Space in   implemented  coastal  space  planning  in  conjunction
               Da Nang City                                   with  tourism  and  environmental  conservation.  The
                  The coastal urban space in Da Nang City has been   construction  of  resort  areas,  entertainment  facilities,
               developed  with  depth,  reflecting  a  focus  on   and  yachting  solutions  has  provided  harmonious
               sustainable  planning,  environmental  protection,  and   solutions between economic development and marine
               the creation of a high-quality living environment for   environmental protection [7].
               both local residents and the enhancement of tourism   - Quy Nhon-Binh Dinh: Quy Nhon has leveraged
               services.                                      its  strengths  in  coastal  landscapes  and  history  to

               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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