Page 47 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 47

30                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

                  -  Protecting  Coastal  Landscapes  and  the  Marine   levels  of  these  groundwater  layers,  as  well  as  the
               Environment:  Identifying  and  safeguarding  crucial   climate  and  weather  conditions  of  the  region  under
               areas  such  as  beaches,  mangrove  zones,  and  coastal   study. Subsequently, green space planning solutions,
               forests  contributes  to  creating  a  favorable  living   communal  park  points,  and  landscape  design
               environment  for  coastal  residents  and  tourists  alike.   solutions for green spaces.
               Furthermore,  when  developing  coastal  projects  like   In  this  context,  green  landscapes,  including
               hotels, tourism services, housing, and basic amenities,   vegetation  cover,  soil,  and  underground  water
               careful  consideration  must  be  given  to  meeting   networks, play a crucial role in coping with extreme
               community benefit criteria and preserving the natural   weather  events  such  as:  Intercepting  rainwater  on
               environment.                                   leaves  and  trees,  reducing  the  amount  of  water
                  - Managing building density, coastal architecture,   reaching  the  ground,  is  a  contributing  factor  to  soil
               and  technical  infrastructure:  Stringent  requirements   erosion;  creating  a  cushioning  layer  underneath  to
               must  be  established  for  managing  building  density   retain  soil  and  protect  it,  while  also  increasing  soil
               sensibly to ensure that coastal areas remain spacious   and organic material porosity.
               and  comfortable.  Additionally,  the  infrastructure
               system,  including  transportation,  water  supply  and
               drainage,  electricity,  and  public  services,  should  be
               designed  to  effectively  meet  the  needs  of  residents
               and  tourists  while  also  ensuring  sustainable
               infrastructure  development.  Furthermore,  it  is
               important to consider the creation of harmonious and
               aesthetically  pleasing  architecture  that  compatible
               with  the  natural  landscape.  The  harmony  between
               construction   projects   and   the   surrounding
               environment  creates  a  unified  and  aesthetically
               pleasing living and working space, contributing to the
               allure and diversity of the cultural interference within
               a region known for its historical significance, unique
               architecture, and cultural events.             Figure 4. Map of green space system in Da Nang City
                                                                 2) Proposal for the urban greenery planning map
                                                              in the city of Da Nang
                  a) Promoting sustainable tourism:
                                                                 The  coastal  urban  areas  in  Da  Nang  City  are
                   Careful   consideration   is   needed   in   the   distinctly  organized  into  functional  zones  along  a
               development of resorts, recreational areas, and other   hierarchical structure. These zones include beachfront
               tourism  activities.  This  model  emphasizes  the   spaces, pedestrian pathways accompanied by parks at
               development of green areas, parks, and open spaces to   key  tourist  destinations  interspersed  with  coastal
               create  a  balance  between  built  infrastructure  and   services,  as  well  as  main  transportation  arteries
               natural  landscapes.  The  combination  of  greenery,   connecting  to  the  city  center.  Following  these  are
               gardens, and a network of rivers plays a vital role in   areas designated for accommodation services such as
               creating   a   comfortable  and   pleasant   living   hotels,  apartments,  and  seafood  restaurants,  and
               environment.  Furthermore,  in  the  context  of   finally,  residential  neighborhoods.  Therefore,  to
               sustainable  tourism  development,  it  is  essential  to   enhance the porosity in the coastal areas of Da Nang,
               focus  on  achieving  a  balance  of  benefits  among  all   it  is  necessary  to  allocate  additional  porous  spaces,
               parties involved in urban activities.          also known as empty spaces, between the functional
                  B.  Urban  Coastal  Space  Planning  Solution  in   zones within the coastal urban areas of Da Nang. The
               Danang City                                    proposed solution chosen is to further augment parks
                  1)  Analyzing  the  greenery  system  in  the  city  of    or  green  areas  along  the  coastline  to  increase
               Da Nang                                        permeability  for  the  concrete-covered  roads  and
                  The natural landscape has been developed thanks
               to  various  factors,  including  the  region's  water   From the citywide green space allocation map of
               balance,  aquifer,  and  vegetation  cover  that  absorbs   Da  Nang,  it  is  evident  that  green  corridors  are
               water. Therefore, designing coastal natural landscapes   intricately distributed along the main roads in the city
               requires a comprehensive understanding of the water   center  and  coastal  area.  Furthermore,  there  are
               absorption  and  retention  capabilities  of  aquifers,  the   secondary  green  corridors  allocated  for  remaining
               types  of  vegetation  that  can  withstand  the  salinity   roadways and buffer zones, also referred to as green
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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