Page 100 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 100

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                          83

                  In the first section, students are asked to provide   motorcycling,  and  bus.  The  independent  variables
               information  about  their  travel  behavior,  that  is  the   represent factors related to commuting behavior such
               main mode of travel used as well as the travel time to   as distance, time, and transportation cost, as well as
               the university.                                individual  student  factors  such  as  gender,  academic
                                                              year, motorcycle ownership, and so on.
                  At  the  end  of  the  first  section  are  questions
               regarding the reasons why students do not choose the   The  MNL  model's  features  are  independent  of
               current  bus  system  and  whether  they  are  willing  to   irrelevant  alternatives  (IIA),  which  implies  that  the
               shift to a new, efficient, and reliable bus system.    ratio  between  two  options  depends  only  on  the
                                                              characteristics of those two options and is unaffected
                  The second section of the questionnaire collected   by  the  characteristics  of  other  options.  Additionally,
               information on their school, gender, year of student,    the  MNL  model  offers  a  decision  model  that  is
               living  status,  motorcycle  rider  license,  motorcycle   focused  on  a  person's  characteristics  rather  than  the
               ownership,  bicycle  ownership,  part-time  job  and   alternatives.
               student  living  cost.  Students  are  also  required  to   The multinomial logit (MNL) model is expressed as:
               provide the name of their school and their residential
               address. Based on this information, we determined the          e V in
               distance  between  the  place  of  residence  and  the   P (i) =   V                                      (1)
               university campus using Google Maps. Then, distance           j C  e  jn
               variables was transformed a categorical variable with           n
               4 scales named “DisTrans”. The travel time is directly   with  0   P (i)   n  1 and   P (i) =  1
               extracted  from  the  survey  results.  The  cost  of                j C n
               transportation includes expenses for fuel and parking   With  Pn(i)  is  the  probability  that  individual  n
               fee,  as  well  as  bus  fares.  The  cost  of  using  a   choosing alternative i; i,j are alternatives in a choice
               motorbike  includes  parking  fees  (2,000  VND)  and   set  (in  this  study,  they  are  walking,  bicycle,
               operating  expenses  (fuel  costs),  which  are  estimated   motorcycle or bus); Vin is a systematic component of
               based  on  the  distance  traveled  and  fuel  costs  per   the  utility  function  of  individual  n  choosing
               kilometer  (500  VND/km).  According  to  the  typical   alternative i;
               fares  for  trips  under  5  kilometers  (6,000  VND)  and   The  relationship  attributes  in  Vin  in  this  study  is
               over  5  kilometers  (12,000  VND),  the  bus  fare  for   assumed linear with parameters: Vin =k * xink.
               users of public transportation is approximated. It has
               been  noted  that  the  most  popular  form  of   k  is  parameters  of  Utility  function  with  the  k
               transportation (motorcycles) has the highest financial   attribute xink of individual n choosing alternative i.
               expense.  Then,  ‘Cost’  variables  was  transformed  a   The  Maximum  likelihood  method  will  be
               categorical variable with 4 scales named “CostTrans”.   conducted to assign a choice to each decision-maker
                                                              based on the maximization of deterministic utility.
                  B. Multinomial Logit model (MNL)
                                                                 IV. RESULTS
                  A discrete choice modeling approach is employed
               to  develop  a  transport  choice  model,  aiming  to   A. Descriptive statistics
               comprehend people's travel behavior. In the theory of   The total number of respondents received is 416,
               random  utility,  every  traveler  selects  an  option  that   with  299  from  UTE  students  and  318  from  males
               maximizes  their  personal  utility.  Different  methods   (Table  1).  The  majority  (approximately  33%)  of
               are  employed  in  the  literature  to  identify  the   respondents  are  third-year  students,  followed  by
               relationship  between  exploratory  variables  and   second-year  students  at  28.5%.  First-year  students
               dependent  variables.  The  MNL  model  is  one  of  the   accounted only 18% of respondents. Regarding to the
               classical discrete choice models utilized in this paper.    living  status,  approximately  68%  students  live  with
                  The multinomial logit model is a method  similar   roommate in rented houses, whereas nearly 25% were
               to binary logit regression, but it is applied when the   living  in  their  family-owned  houses.  Out  of  416
               dependent variable is a categorical variable with more   students,  394  students  own  a  two-wheeled  vehicle
               than two categories. In the context of this study, the   license, however 262 those own a motorcycle and 74
               multinomial  logit  model  is  used  to  predict  the   own  a  bicycle.  From  the  sample,  the  number  of
               influence of factors related to commuting behavior as   students  with  part-time  jobs  and  those  without  is
               well as the socio-economic factors of students on their   approximately  equal.  The  majority  (approximately
               choice of commuting mode in the city of Danang. The   73%) of students live with expenses ranging from 3
               dependent  variable  in  this  case  consists  of  four   million  to  5  million  VND.  A  minority  of  students
               commuting   mode   options:   walking,   cycling,   spend  less  than  3  million  VND  (21.1%)  and  more

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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