Page 105 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
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88                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               of student, living status, motorcycle ownership. It can   [2]  J.  Damani  and  P.  Vedagiri,  "Safety  of  motorised
               be  observed  that  first-year  students  tend  to  have  a   two wheelers in mixed traffic conditions: Literature
               preference for using personal modes of transportation,   review  of  risk  factors",  Journal  of  traffic  and
               such  as  walking  or  taking  the  bus,  more  so  than   transportation   engineering   (English   edition),
               students in other years. Therefore, when considering   Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 35-56, 2021.
               the development of public transportation systems, the   [3]  H. E. Rosen et al., "Global road safety 2010–18: an
               presence of a significant number of first-year students   analysis of global status reports", Injury, 2022.
               on  the  university  campus  can  be  considered  an   [4]  G.  Santos,  H.  Maoh,  D.  Potoglou,  and  T.  von
               important  point  of  attraction.  We  also  observe  that   Brunn,  "Factors  influencing  modal  split  of
               female students living close to the school (within a 2   commuting  journeys  in  medium-size  European
               km radius) are more likely to walk or bike to school.   cities",  Journal  of  Transport  Geography,  Vol.  30,
               Therefore, to promote sustainable commuting among    pp. 127-137, 2013.
               university  students,  it  is  advisable  to  consider   [5]  J.  Harz  and  C.  Sommer,  "Mode  choice  of  city
               providing more housing options for students within or   tourists: Discrete choice modeling based on survey
               near the school campus.                              data  from  a  major  German  city",  Transportation
                                                                    Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 16, p.
                  Currently, the quality of buses has been improved   100704, 2022.
               by  installing  air  conditionors  and  interior  security   [6]  H.  Xiong,  L.  Ma,  C.  Wei,  X.  Yan,  S.  Srinivasan,
               cameras  in  new  vehicles  to  provide  comfort  and   and J. Chen, "Exploring behavioral heterogeneities
               safety  for  passengers.  To  encourage  and  attract   of  elementary  school  students’  commute  mode
               students to switch to using the city bus system, it is   choices through the urban travel big data of Beijing,
               necessary  to  expand  the  inner-city  bus  network,   China",  IEEE  Access,  vol.  7,  pp.  22235-22245,
               connecting  universities  with  residential  areas  and   2019.
               public destinations.                              [7]  P. F. Belgiawan, R. A. Rahadi, A. R. Qastharin, L.
                  Furthermore, the results of development the MNL   Mayangsari,  R.  A.  Nasution,  and  S.  K.  Wiryono,
               model indicate a high predictive power and data fit.   "The commuting mode choice of students of institut
                                                                    teknologi bandung, Indonesia", Journal of Regional
               The  developed  model  explains  nearly  70%  of  the   and  City  Planning,  Vol.  32,  No.  2,  pp.  150-166,
               variance in mode choice. The probability of selecting   2021.
               a  transportation  mode  is  predicted  by  using  the   [8]  D.  Q.  Nguyen-Phuoc,  R.  Amoh-Gyimah,  A.  T.  P.
               previously  mentioned  variables.  The  Multinomial   Tran,  and  C.  T.  Phan,  "Mode  choice  among
               Logit  Model  (MNL)  developed  in  this  study      university students to school in Danang, Vietnam",
               demonstrates  how  variables  influence  transportation   Travel  behaviour  and  society,  Vol.  13,  pp.  1-10,
               mode choices based on different values. The utility of   2018.
               each variable is presented and explained in the paper.
               The analysis results reveal that travel time is the most
               crucial factor influencing transportation mode choice.
               Travel  time  exhibits  a  negative  value,  while  other
               variables reflect different values.
                  The  limitations  of  this  study  include  the  lack  of
               consideration for new transportation methods, such as
               electric  vehicles.  Furthermore,  the  limitations  of  the
               research  data  due  to  cost  and  time  constraints  have
               resulted  in  statistically  insignificant  variables.  The
               data  on  people's  travel  behavior  should  be  updated
               regularly for more accurate results.
                  VI.  ACKNOWLEDGMENT
                  This  reseach  is  funded  by  The  University  of
               Danang  -  University  of  Technology  and  Education
               under project number T2022-06-21.
                            TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO
                  [1]  S.  Nishitateno  and  P.  J.  Burke,  "The  motorcycle
                     Kuznets  curve",  Journal  of  Transport  Geography,
                     vol. 36, pp. 116-123, 2014.

               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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