Page 104 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 104

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                          87

                                      Easy to
                 1-2   105   18   36   6     32   12  123   8   Parameters   Estimate   p>|z|  Estimate  p>|z|  Estimate  p>|z|
                                                               Intercept   -11.08   <0.001   -17.55   0.995   -11.13   0.998
                 2-5   1   5   86   5   time and   29   11   27   6   Time   -0.35   <0.001   -0.09   0.119   0.11   0.003
                                     travel time
                                                               School location:
                5-20   1       140   267  Reliability   19       267   2   UTE   5.02   <0.001   5.04   0.002   1.99   0.023
                 >20           5       Comfort   27       8   4   Gender: Male   -4.60   <0.001   -3.76   <0.001   -3.50   <0.001
                Willingness to shift to a new bus                  Year of   1.82   0.011   2.39   0.061   1.97   0.119
                system                                         students: - First
                 Yes   9   4   105   19                        Year of
                                                               students: -   1.02   0.123   1.21   0.306   0.06   0.964
                 No   98   19   162   1                        Second
                       Table 4 - Model fitting information     Year of    0.19   0.768   -0.86   0.500   -2.26   0.157
                                                               students: - Third
                            Model Fitting   Likelihood Ratio Tests   Living status: -
                              Criteria                         Family house   -4.12   <0.001   14.75   0.996   13.64   0.998
                  Model                                        Living status:
                          -2 Log Likelihood   Square   df   Sig.   - Rented house   -2.71   0.003   14.60   0.996   12.45   0.998
                 Intercept    764.076                          Rider license:   0.41   0.659   1.24   0.418   -0.26   0.826
                  Only                                         Yes
                  Final       248.160    515.916   42   .000   Motorcycle   -3.37   <0.001   -2.91   0.002   -4.15   <0.001
                                                               ownership: Yes
                         Table 5 - Likelihood ratio tests      Bicycle    -0.71   0.303   3.72   <0.001   -19.65   0.997
                                                               ownership: Yes
                              Model Fitting   Likelihood Ratio Tests   Part-time job:   -0.38   0.424   1.12   0.162   -0.22   0.780
                                Criteria                       Yes
                Effect          −2 Log-                        Living cost: -
                              Likelihood of   Chi-             Less than 3   16.81   <0.001   -2.99   0.087   -19.10   0.992
                                Reduced   Square   df   p>|z|   million VND
                                Model                          Living cost:    16.88
                                                               - 3 million to 5      -2.10   0.152   -0.82   0.475
                Intercept                                      million VND
                                248.160   0.000   0
                Time                                           Reason for
                                312.447   64.287   3   0.000   mode choice:
                School Location
                                282.275   34.115   3   0.000   - Easy to access   1.011   0.287   14.303   0.988   0.324   0.782
                                314.427   66.267   3   0.000   - Waiting time
                Year of Students                               and travel time   1.145   0.230   14.447   0.988   0.081   0.943
                                276.355   28.195   9   0.001
                Living Status                                  - Reliability   1.323   0.249   -1.212   0.999   -0.323   0.836
                                271.981   23.821   6   0.001
                Rider License                                    V.  DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
                                249.039   0.879   3   0.831
                Ownership       282.883   34.723   3   0.000     University  students  constitute  a  significant
                Bicycle         288.264   40.104   3   0.000   proportion of travelers in major cities, and as a result,
                Ownership                                     factors  related  to  their  commuting  behavior  play  a
                                251.750   3.590   3   0.309
                Part-time Jobs                                crucial  role  in  road  traffic  safety  considerations.
                                269.777   21.617   6   0.001   However, research on students' choice of transportation
                Living Cost
                                                              to  school  is  not  yet  widely  prevalent  in  developing
                                                              countries. Understanding the mode choice of students
                                                              can  assist  universities  and  relevant  stakeholders  in
                                                              developing  and  enhancing  policies,  programs,  and
                                                              infrastructure  to  promote  sustainable  transportation
                                                              methods such as public transport, walking, or cycling.
                                                              This study examines the factors influencing the mode
                                                              of  transportation  choice  for  university  students
                                                              commuting to their campus in Danang, Vietnam. To
                                                              investigate  the  individual  and  alternative  specific
                     Figure 2. Parameter Estimates of model    variables  impacting  this  choice,  Multinomial  Logit
                                                              model (MNL) was used.
                       with statistically significant levels
                      (Wa - Walking; Bi - Bicycle; Bu - Bus)     The  findings  indicate  that  students'  choice  of
                                                              transportation  mode  is  significantly  influenced  by
                     Mode     Wa         Bi         Bu
                                                              several key factors, including travel time, gender, year
                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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