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84                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               than  5  million  VND  (2.2)  per  month  on  their    A  preliminary  analysis  of  the  data  indicates  that
               living cost.                                   the  rider  license  as  well  as  the  part-time  job  do  not
                  Table  2  illustrates  the  distribution  of  transport   influence the choice of transportation.
               modes  and  the  average  travel  times  as  wel  as  the   Among students with a commute distance of less
               average travel distance of students. Motorbikes, being   than  2km,  25.2%  chose  walking,  4.3%  utilize
               a  common  mode  of  transportation  in  developing   bicycles,  and  1.4%  utilize  buses.  Interestingly,  there
               countries, come as no surprise in becoming the most   are still students (8.6%) who use motorcycles for this
               popular means of commuting with 64.0%. 25.7% of   short-distance  commute.  This  figure  underscores  the
               students walk to school, and approximately 5.5% use   reliance on motorcycles among university students in
               bicycles.  In  terms  of  public  transportation,  buses   developing countries. For longer journeys (over
               remain the predominant mode of transport in Danang.   The research results also indicate the reason why
               However,  only  4.8%  of  students  utilize  buses  to   students  do  not  use  the  existing  bus  system  in
               commute  to  school.  The  average  walking  time  for   Danang.  Over  40%  of  students  stated  that  the  main
               students is approximately 5.2 minutes with an average   reason is that the walking distance to bus stops is too
               distance of 0.57 kilometers. It is followed by bicycle   far.  The  second  and  third  reasons  are  related  to
               time  (approximately  18.6  minutes)  and  motorcycle   waiting time and time spent on the bus, accounting for
               time (approximately 14.6 minutes), with corresponding   approximately  31%,  respectively.  In  reality,  the
               average distances of 1.5km and 6.6km, respectively.   Danang  bus  system  is  quite  limited  in  terms  of  the
                  Table  3  presents  statistical  data  describing  the   number of bus routes (12 lines) as well as the number
               rates  of  students  using  modes  of  walking,  bicycle,   of  buses,  and  the  frequency  of  their  operation.
               motorbike,  and  bus.  In  terms  of  transportation   Therefore, a significant proportion of students cannot
               choices,  motorbikes  are  favoured  more  by  males   access  this  system  for  their  daily  commuting
               (59.7%), whereas females chose walking and cycling   purposes.
               (17.2%). In this research sample, the majority of first-  When asked about their intention to switch from
               year students commute to school by walking, cycling,   their  current  mode  of  transportation  to  a  more
               and  taking  the  bus  to  school,  with  only  5.5%  using   reliable, comfortable, and accessible bus system, over
               motorbikes.  When  students  transition  to  the  next   30%  of  the  students  expressed  willingness.  Within
               academic  years,  their  preference  for  non-motorized   this  percentage,  notably,  those  who  use  motorcycles
               modes  of  transportation  tends  to  decrease  and  shift   accounted  for  approximately  25.2%.  The  remaining
               towards  using  motorcycles.  Among  33.1%  of  third-  students stated that they had no intention to switch to
               year students, 25.9% use motorcycles.          the  new  bus  system  due  to  their  short  commuting
                  Approximately 65% of the students commuting by   distances.
               motorbike  either  rent  accommodation  or  live  with   B. Mode choice model development
               their  families,  with  only  about  18.5%  of  them
               choosing to walk to school. The students residing in   In  this  subsection,  travel  mode  choice  of
               the dormitories prefer to walk to school despite some   university  students  are  modeled,  in  which  each
               of  them  owning  driver's  licenses  and  owning   student maximizes their utility. MNL model, where a
               motorbikes,  mainly  due  to  the  short  and  convenient   transport choice model is developed which combines
               distance to the campus. Compared to previous studies   the  characteristics  of  students.  In  this  model,  the
               (Nguyen-Phuoc  et  al.,  2018),  the  rate  of  students   motorcycle  was  utilized  as  the  dependent  variable's
               using motorcycles remains consistent across academic   reference category.
               years and motorcycles remain the primary means of   The  model  consists  of  two  categories  of
               transportation used to get to school.          independent  variables:  (1)  individual  specific
                  Regarding driver's licenses and vehicle ownership,   variables  such  as  School  location,  Gender,  Year  of
               more than 60% of students possess motorcycles and   students,  Living  status,  Rider  license,  Motorcycle
               motorcycle licenses. they were used as their primary   ownership, Bicycle ownership, Part-time job, Living
               mode of transportation to school. Only a minority of   cost  and  (2)  alternative  specific  variable  such  as
               students  walk,  bike,  or  take  the  bus  due  to  their   average  travel  time,  average  travel  distance  and
               inability  to  utilize  motorcycles.  Similarly,  students   travel cost.
               with  their  own  bicycles  tend  to  use  them  for   Before adding variables to the model for analysis,
               commuting  to  university  more  frequently  than  those   we conducted an assessment of the significance of the
               who do not own bicycles.                       relationship  between  the  'Modechoice'  variable  and
                                                              the  independent  categorical  variables.  During  the
                                                              preprocessing stage, we transformed the 'Dis' variable
                                                              into 'DisTrans' and the 'Cost' variable into 'CostTrans'.
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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