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82                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               student-to-population  ratio  surpasses  1,000  residents   The  research  "Exploring  Behavioral  Heterogeneities
               [4]. Research on the commuting habits of students is   of  Elementary  School  Students’  Commute  Mode
               highly  significant  to  develop  transportation  policies,   Choices  Through  the  Urban  Travel  Big  Data  of
               but  there  have  not  been  many  studies  in  this  field,   Beijing,  China"  [6]  utilizes  extensive  urban  travel
               especially  in  developing  countries  with  a  prevalent   data  to  shed  light on  the  various  factors  influencing
               use of two-wheeled vehicles.                   how students choose their modes of transportation to
                  According  to  the  Ministry  of  Education  and   and  from  school.  The  research  examined  the  factors
               Training's statistics, Vietnam currently has 223 higher   affecting these choices, including distance to school,
               education  institutions,  including  170  public  higher   socioeconomic  status,  parental  influence,  and  urban
               education  institutions.  The  majority  of  these  higher   infrastructure. One of the central findings of the study
               education institutions are located in major cities such   there is no one-size-fits-all approach to understanding
               as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), and Danang.   their  commuting  preferences.  Instead,  a  nuanced
               The  proportion  of  students  in  major  cities  has   understanding  is  required,  taking  into  account  the
               increased  as  the  population  has  grown.  In  addition,   unique  characteristics  and  circumstances  of  each
               with  excellent  infrastructure  and  a  trend  towards   student. The authors also emphasize the significance
               internationalizing  higher  education  systems,  large   of  these  findings  for  urban  planning  and  policy
               universities have attracted a greater concentration of   development.
               students to these urban centers. Therefore, exploring   Belgiawan  et  al.  [7]  discusses  the  transportation
               and  understanding  the  commuting  behaviors  of   preferences  of  students  at  the  Institute  Teknologi
               university  students  is  crucial  for  formulating   Bandung  in  Indonesia.  The  study  explores  how
               transportation  strategies,  policies,  and  planning  for   students choose their commuting modes, considering
               this major cities.                             modes  such  as  walking,  cycling,  motorcycling,  or
                  The  objective  of  this  study  is  to  examine  the   public transportation, while taking into account their
               relationship between the modal choice of transport to   personal characteristics and commuting habits.
               school  among  university  students  in  Danang,   A study on students' choice of commuting mode in
               Vietnam,   and   various   factors   such   as   Danang  was  carried  out  by  Nguyen-Phuoc,  Amoh-
               sociodemographic,   economic,   and    travel   Gyimah,  Tran,  &  Phan  in  2018  [8].  This  study
               characteristics that may influence their mode choice.   examined  the  mode  choice  of  university  students  in
               The data for the study is based on an online survey   Danang,  Vietnam.  A  conditional  logit  regression
               conducted  mainly  at  the  University  of  Technical   model was developed to explore the specific variables
               Education  (UTE)  and  some  other  universities  in   that  affect  the  mode  choice  for  trips  to  school.  The
               Danang, Vietnam. Students are asked to select one of   main  findings  indicate  that  student  characteristics
               four  modes  of  transportation:  walking,  cycling,   such as age, gender, and their family's income have a
               motorcycling,  or  public  transportation,  taking  into   significant  impact  on  their  mode  choice  decision.
               account   their   individual   and   commuting   Travel time from home to school was found to have a
               characteristics.  The  study  used  a  multinomial  logit   strong  negative  effect  on  choosing  walking  as  the
               model  to  estimate  various  factors  that  influence   mode  to  school.  It  was  also  observed  that  students
               student’s mode of transport.                   who use motorcycles to school are willing to switch
                  The  paper  is  structured  as  follows:  the   to public transport if there is an efficient and reliable
               introduction  is  presented  in  Section  1,  the  literature   public transport system.
               review  is  presented  in  Section  2,  and  the  data  and   III.  DATA AND METHODOLOGY
               methodological approach is found in Section 3. Model
               estimation  results  together  with  a  discussion  of  the   A. Sampling
               findings  are  presented  in  Section  4,  the  last  section   The  research  data  was  collected  from  an  online
               provides conclusions and recommendations.      survey via the link
                  II. LITERATURE REVIEW                       in  July  2023.  A  structured  questionnaire  on  Google
                                                              Form  was  sent  to  students  at  several  universities  in
                  The  study  by  Harz  &  Sommer  [5]  has  focused  on   Danang, including the University of Technology and
               sociodemographic  factors  and  travel-related  aspects  to   Education.
               determine  what  influences  tourists'  mode  choice.  The
               authors conclude that modeling tourist travel behavior is   A  pilot  survey  was  previously  conducted  to
               more  intricate  compared  to  daily  commuting.  The   implement  necessary  adjustments  before  conducting
               research  proposes  an  alternative  approach,  which   the  comprehensive  survey.  The  questionnaire  was
               involves modeling trip chains instead of individual trips.    divided  into  two  main  sections:  socio-economic
                                                              characteristics and student’s travel characteristics.

               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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