Page 102 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 102

               HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ TÁM - The 8  ATiGB 2023                          85

                  The correlation between the independent variables   choosing  motorcycles.  Motorbikes  are  still  the
               have been examined. Most variables have Spearman   preferred mode of transportation for students.
               correlation  coefficients  lower  than  0.50,  indicating   -  The  travel  time  of  pedestrians  and  buses  is
               weak   correlations.   However,   the   Spearman   statistically significant with a coefficient 'p' less than
               correlation coefficient between the 'Dis' variable and   0.05.  The  travel  time  variable  coefficients  indicate
               the  'Time'  variable  is  0.79  as  well  as  the  Spearman   that  as  time  increases,  the  probability  of  students
               correlation coefficient between the 'Dis' variable and   choosing  to  walk,  bike  decreases  by  0.35  and  0.09
               the  'Cost'  variable  is  0.90  with  a  significance  value   respectively.  However,  in  this  context,  choosing  the
               less  than  0.05,  suggesting  the  possibility  of   bus is still a positive option for students. It is clearly
               multicollinearity.  Therefore,  the  Variance  Inflation   that  the  longer  the  comute  time,  the  more  likely
               Factor  (VIF)  was  employed  to  assess  the  extent  of   students are to choose the bus.
               multicollinearity.  The  results  reveal  that  the  VIF  of
               the 'Dis' variable and  the 'Cost' variable is 5.8 and 6.8   The confidence interval that is used in this study is
               respectively,  which  is  greater  than  the  VIF  of  the   95%.  The  model  shows  significant  results  at  a
               'Time' variable (VIF = 3.35), leading to exclude the   confidence interval of 95% and insignificant results as
               'Dis' variable and the 'Cost' variable.        shown  in  Table  6.  The  insignificant  results  are  kept
                                                              for comparison, as described later.
                  Table  4  -  Model  Fitting  Information  provides
               statistics  used  to  assess  the  overall  model  fit.  The   The  location  of  the  school,  Gender,  and
               'Final'  row  presents  information  about  whether  all   Motorcycle  ownership  are  included  in  the  model,
               model  coefficients  are  equal  to  0  (i.e.,  whether  any   where  each  one  of  them  has  a  different  impact  on
               coefficients  have  statistical  significance).  McFadden   transport modes.
               demonstrates  that  the  model  created  possesses  high   - The location of the school has an impact on the
               predictive capabilities, with a McFadden R2 value of   transport mode choice, UTE students typically prefer
               0.67 (McFadden 1974). The pseudo R-squared value   to  use  all  three  modes  of  transportation  mentioned
               is nearly similar to the squared R in linear regression.   here rather than using motorbikes, with walking being
               It can be seen that the p-value is < 0.001 representing   the most commonly chosen mode, especially with the
               a degree of freedom of 42, which means that the full   highest  coefficient  of  5.04.  However,  because  UTE
               model's  predictions  have  statistical  significance  in   students account for the majority of the survey results,
               predicting  the  dependent  variable  better  than  the   this result needs to be verified.
               intercept-only model.
                                                                 - In general, the results of the similarity analysis
                  The likelihood ratio tests of every variable’s effect   for female students show that they prefer to use the
               on the developed model was presented in Table 5. It   remaining 3 means of transport (-4.6, -3.76 and -3.5,
               can  be  observed  that  most  variables  have  statistical   respectively)  rather  than  motorcycles,  especially
               significance at a confidence interval of 95% (meaning   walking.
               they  have  an  impact  on  the  dependent  variable),
               except for the "Rider License" (p = 0.831 > 0.05) and   - As predicted, motorcycle ownership holds great
               the "Part-time Jobs" variable (p = 0.309 > 0.05)   significance. Students owning motorcycles are much
                                                              more  likely  to  commute  by  motorcycle  than  by
                  The  developed  model's  characteristics  can  be   walking  or  cycling  to  school  (3.46  and  2.65
               found in Table 6, which provides estimations for each   respectively). It is not surprising that the likelihood of
               parameter  coefficient  associated  with  various   using  personal  transportation  is  significantly  higher
               transportation  modes.  The  reference  mode  is   for  students  who  own  motorcycles.  In  fact,  in
               motorcycle  mode,  with  the  second  column  denoting   developing  countries,  many  people  heavily  rely  on
               the  parameter's  name  and  "estimate"  indicating  the   motorcycles due to their mobility, survival capability,
               parameter's  coefficient.  In  the  third  column,  the   and accessibility.
               standard error (Std. Error) was shown, "Sig." signifies
               the  significance  value,  commonly  known  as  the  p-  -  Students  living  with  family  are  less  likely  to
               value.  The  research  yields  several  conclusions  as   walk to school than students living in dormitories or
               follows:                                       rented  houses.  Meanwhile,  students  with  low  living
                                                              costs  choose  to  walk  more  than  their  peers  with
                  -  In  the  case  of  intercept  only  (i.e.,  without   higher costs.
               considering  the  independent  variables),  the  analysis
               results  indicate  that  the  coefficients  related  to  the   -  Students  living  with  family  are  more  likely  to
               choice  of  walking,  bicycles  and  buses  are  both   use motorbikes to get to school than students living in
               negative  (-11.08,  -17.55  and  -11.13  respectively).   dormitories  or  rented  houses.  Meanwhile,  students
               This implies that the probability of students choosing   with low living costs choose to walk more than their
               walking,  bicycles  and  buses  is  lower  compared  to   peers with higher costs.

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
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