Page 103 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế - Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh , lần thứ 8
P. 103

86                               TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

                  The p-value of the remaining variables are higher   Motorcycle   Yes   362       86.8
               more  than  a  significance  level  (0.05)  indicates  a   ownership
               statistically  not  significant  result,  meaning  no          No         55        13.2
               relationship  exists  between  the  variables  being   Bicycle   Yes      74        17.7
               studied.                                         ownership     No        343        82.3
                  The  travel  behavior  of  students  in  Danang,           Yes        190        45.6
               Vietnam  is  analyzed  and  modeled  using  a  discrete   Part-time job   No   227   54.4
               choice   modeling   approach.   The   developed             Less than 3   88        21.1
               multinomial transport logit model demonstrates good        million VND
               accuracy  based  on  Table  6.  As  in  previous  studies,   Living cost   3 million to 5   314   75.3
               travel time is often found to be the main predictor of     million VND
               travel mode choice (Beirao and Cabral, 2007; Frank          More than 5   15        3.6
               et  al.,  2008).  Motorcycles  are  the  main  means  of   million VND
               transportation  in  developing  countries,  so  it  is  not   Table II. Distribution of transport modes and
               surprising that this is also the most popular means of   avarage travel time, travel distance
               going  to  school  for  both  male  and  female  students.   as well as travel cost
               Students  use  motorbikes  even  when  traveling  short                       Average
               distances  that  could  be  done  by  other,  lower-cost   Transport   No. of   Average   travel   Average
               alternatives  such  as  walking  or  cycling.  It  is  not   mode   respo  Percentage  travel   distance   (VND)
                                                                                     time (min)
               possible  to  conclude  why  public  transport  modes                          (km)
               (buses) are not widely used here.                Walking   107   25.7   5.20   0.57   112
                  C. Figures and Tables                         Bicycle   23    5.5    8.61   1.48   1000
                                                               Motorcycle   267   64.0   14.58   6.62   5089
                                                                 Bus     20     4.8    22.80   4.26   8100
                                                                 Total   417    100
                                                                  Table III. Frequency of independent variables
                                                                    according to student’s transport modes
                                                                Var    Transport mode   Var   Transport mode
                                                                    Wa   Bi   Mo   Bu       Wa   Bi   Mo  Bu
                                                               School location       Gender
                                                               UTE   99   22   165   13   Male   48   10  249   11
                                                               Others   8   1   102   7   Female   59   13   18   9
                                                               Living status         Year of students
                                                              Family   10   17   60   15   First   32   10   23   10
                         Figure 1. Research framework         Rented   67   6   204   5   Second   34   6   72   23
                   Table I. Frequency of independent variables   Campus   30       3       Third   24   4   108  72
                                                  Percentage                          Final   17   3   64  108
                  Variable   Category   Frequency   (%)        Rider license         Motorcycle ownership
                              UTE        299        71.7        Yes   98   22   258   16   Yes   77   17  256   12
                  location   Others      118        28.3        No   9   1   9   4    No    30   6   11   8
                              First       75        18.0       Bicycle ownership     Part-time job
                                                                Yes   11   21   42   20   Yes   34   17  132   7
                             Second      119        28.5
                  Year of                                       No   96   2   225   20   No   73   6   135   13
                  students    Third      138        33.1       Living cost (million VND)   Cost Transform (VND)
                              Final       85        20.4
                                                               Less                   1000-
                           Family house   102       24.5       than 3   24   20   62   18   2000   107   23  20   13
                 Living status   Rented house   282   67.6      3                     2000-
                                                               million   83   1   193   2            267   7
                             Campus       33        7.9         to 5                  6000
                              Yes        394        94.5       More   107   23   12   20   6000-          13
                Rider license                                  than 5                 12000
                               No         23        5.5
                                                               Travel distance Transform (km)   Reason for mode choice
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9122-4
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108