Page 71 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo quốc tế: Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh - lần thứ 9 (ATiGB 2024)
P. 71
Figure 6a shows the stress distribution of the piston, significant improvement with higher output power. The
with a maximum value of 3,217,044 N/m² and a compression and expansion processes were optimized.
minimum value of 0.052 N/m². This large discrepancy - Through computational and simulation methods,
indicates that the piston-connecting rod-crankshaft the stability and durability of the piston-crankshaft-
mechanism can withstand much higher stress than connecting rod system were confirmed to be adequate.
experienced during operation, demonstrating high
material durability and suitability for working Acknowledgements: This research was funded by
conditions. Figure 6b displays the safety factor of the the University of Danang - University of Science and
mechanism when the engine operates at maximum Technology under the project “Research on Improving
power, with safety indices within acceptable limits. the Piston-Connecting Rod-Crankshaft System of
Figure 6b also shows the piston displacement, with Engines Using Renewable Gas Fuel” with project code
a minimum of 0.000 mm and a maximum of 0.000 mm. SV2024-05.
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ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0